Wizdom – Insights Words of Wisdom

As I encounter intelligent and insightful people, I often rush to share my encounters with my readers. Removed from the lingering effects of the pandemic, 2022 has introduced me to a young man known as “Wizdom.” Impressed by his outlook regarding topics ranging from spirituality to metaphysics, It was a no-brainer to conduct the following interview below.

1up Atlanta Examiner: Who is Wizdom, and where does the name derive?

Wizdom: The name Wizdom derives from my long journey and search for knowledge. The elders used to call me wise all the time for obtaining wisdom at such a young age, hence birthing the name Wizdom.

1up Atlanta Examiner: What’s the difference between being astute in the science of metaphysics, versus, just being a sapio?

Wizdom: Metaphysics is the study of phenomenons outside the physical norm, whereas being sapio is the overall love and attraction of knowledge and wisdom.

1up Atlanta Examiner: How does one improve their ability to think more critically, and when did you realize advancements in your ability?

Wizdom: One can think more critically by clearing one’s mind and understanding the situation at hand before making any decisions. I realized advancements in my abilities when I found out I wanted nothing more but to learn and asked God to reveal itself.

1up Atlanta Examiner: Who are some of the individuals or literary works influencing your current world outlook?

Wizdom: Several books would be “Powers of The Mind,” “The Law of Attraction,” and “48 Laws of Power,” to name a few.

1up Atlanta Examiner: What is your definition of being woke, and what are your views on how many are redefining the term? 

Wizdom: The literal meaning of being woke is simply not being asleep, so we are all woke. The correct word would be “aware,” which is knowing what’s going on in the world around you.

1up Atlanta Examiner: Does it bother you that some suggest you are engaging in demonic rituals?

Wizdom: No one has ever suggested that but if they were to, I would let it be known, most things people deem to be demonic are rituals and practices from what you call, your ancestors.

1up Atlanta Examiner: Why are so many people working jobs they do not like?

Wizdom: They are brainwashed into a slave-driven matrix and trained to work a job to earn a living, even if it is doing a job they dislike.

1up Atlanta Examiner: Does your knowledge make you content as a person? 

Wizdom:  I’m never content because the more you know, the more you realize how much you generally don’t know.

1up Atlanta Examiner: Do you feel freedom is compatible with determinism?

Wizdom: They are polar opposites. In this world of duality, they must both coexist.

1up Atlanta Examiner: How should one balance day-to-day challenges after experiencing a paranormal experience? 

Wizdom: Learning and obtaining knowledge about the experience at hand will help one understand and not be in F.E.A.R., which is nothing but false evidence appearing real.

1up Atlanta Examiner: How would you describe the current system that humanity is residing?

Wizdom: It’s a matrix controlling the mind, in which the elite want to dictate your freedom.

1up Atlanta Examiner: What are your views regarding Jacque Fresco and his global humanity solution, known as “The Venus Project?”

Wizdom: I don’t know much about his work, but I will say that positive unity always prevails over separation.

1up Atlanta Examiner: Does an ideal government exist?

Wizdom: I don’t think an ideal government will ever exist due to greed, power, and control. We must govern ourselves.

1up Atlanta Examiner: Where can the readers follow you to find more of your views and outlook?

Wizdom: I rarely make my knowledge or opinions public, but people can reach me by email or on this platform.

Email: wewisdom2008@yahoo.com

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