
For years, the staff at 1up Entertainment Examiner has gone above and beyond to find hidden gems in the music industry. From the sounds of his latest release, Eli Ladon is one of the most talented musicians we’ve come across in a while. For many, creatively unique music with multiple perspectives is often appreciated, and Ladon delivers both with his new album, “Clean Energy.” Below is the transcript of our recent interview with Eli Ladon.

1up Entertainment Examiner: For individuals who may not be familiar with you, would you please provide some background information about yourself?

Eli Ladon: Being in-tuned with the pulse of the hearts of people makes me different from other artists, I would say. I always hone in on others’ experiences as well as my own. I try to offer a bit of therapy in my lyrics and melodies. Sound can be the ultimate healer

1up Entertainment Examiner: Who are some of the artists who have been the most influential in your career?

Eli Ladon: I listen to all the greats as well as all underground artists. Jay-Z is my favorite, while Cole and Kendrick are second and third. All three of these artists are great at telling encouraging stories. There’s always a message. I definitely mirror that template in my creations.

1up Entertainment Examiner: How long did it take you to produce your new album, “Clean Energy?”

Eli Ladon: “Clean Energy” was written after a breakup. It didn’t take long to complete. I would say around 4 months. I had fresh pain and used it as fuel to finish the project. This project is definitely heartfelt.

1up Entertainment Examiner: What is your favorite track on the album, “Clean Energy?”

Eli Ladon: I have a few favorites on the album, but I would say “Cancer” is where I really outdid myself. I didn’t know it was going to turn out the way it did. That song specifically is about the breakup, so I guess my heart was bleeding at the time. You can definitely hear it.

1up Entertainment Examiner: Where do you envision yourself ten years from now?

Eli Ladon: In ten years, I envision myself being the head of my label, “American Lunar Colony.” I’ll be signing legends all over the world, starting with myself.

1up Entertainment Examiner: What’s your definition of success?

Eli Ladon: My definition of success goes beyond monetary gains. Of course, that’s part of it, but I want to be the light that leads the way for upcoming generations. The music that is pumped out today is to prepare the inner-city youth for jail. I’m definitely using my space as a roadblock for that. Not on my watch.

1up Entertainment Examiner: If you could collaborate with anyone in the industry today, who would that artist be?

Eli Ladon: The first person I would like to collab with is J. Cole. I believe we are kindred spirits when it comes to this music shit. We both want to see our people successful and free.

1up Entertainment Examiner: Where can readers purchase previous and new musical projects, and how can they contact you if they are interested in booking you for performances or public speaking engagements?

Eli Ladon: Clean Energy among my other projects is available on all platforms. I’m definitely available for booking via

Email: Ladonmusicgroup@gmail.com

Twitter: @Eli4real

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